Friday, March 28, 2008

i will offend you in all-likelihood

welcome to my bloggg bitches. i have created this soon-to-be monster with the primary purpose of entertaining myself. as a self proclaimed kick-ass critic, i will review things such as caf meals, ultimate teams whom we've fucked up, hot chicks, or really anything than commands my attention or pisses me off. i will be crude, but never use capital letters, except of course when describing how how much i love sea strips (A LOT). so between now and when i next feel inspired, stay tuned. and body, hit the treadmill fatty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sea strips are terrible. If they were good, they would be called fish sticks, or at least fish strips, but the fact that they're called sea strips means that anything from the sea is fair game to be put into them. And there are a lot of things in the sea not fit for consumption. So stop eating them before you swallow some dolphin sperm.